Arts Mansfield needs a new letterbox for the MACS driveway, so we thought we'd throw it out to our creatives as a MAILBOX CHALLENGE rather than buy one off the shelf.
Send us your design before March 14, and we'll pick our favourite - THE MORE ARTY THE BETTER - WIN $100 for materials and you keep the change!

Must include Arts Mansfield, Shed 2F - with an arrow pointing right towards MACS.
A Portrait or Landscape box meeting Australian Standard AS NZS 4253:1994
Measurements - 240mm wide x 330mm deep, or 330mm wide x 240mm deep and between 900mm and 1200mm above ground level on a post.
For security reasons (and to stop small hands from getting caught), the standards also specify that the mail slot shouldn't exceed 30mm in height.
Open to Mansfield Shire residents.
The $100 prize will be provided in cash.
The winner will have a designated time period to complete the mailbox - to be advised.
The winning entry will be promoted on the Arts Mansfield website and social media.
Send your message or finished design to Accepted formats for your draft design include JPG, PNG or PDF.