BUSY YEAR | To celebrate a vibrant year of creativity and collaboration, Outgoing President Gill Belle shared highlights and achievements of 2023/24 at the Arts Mansfield AGM, these included:
MACS Success: Workshops, exhibitions, and Social Sunday events.
Exciting Events: MOST, Median to Rare, Bushy Tales, and PhotoFocus23 and 24.
Youth Encouragement Award: Hilary Murakami’s $500 grant.
Klytie Pate Ceramics Exhibition: Celebrating excellence in ceramics.
The Bald Archy Prize: A huge success, ensuring its return for two more years.
We also officially launched our new website, thanks to Bendigo Mansfield and District sponsorship and designed by Melissa Crow of Youlissys. A draft 3 year strategic plan establised to guide Arts Mansfield into the future, was also presented.
Introducing our 2025 Committee:
President: Emma McPherson Vice President: Gill Belle
Secretary: Sue Hare Treasurer: Craig Dixon
MACS Coordinator: Felicity Hayward Events Coordinator: Ainsley May
General Members: Sue Plumb, Kathryn Ruddick, Lyn Gardiner, and Gino Ciancio
A huge thank you to Gill Belle for her outstanding eight years of leadership and dedication to the arts.

Image: Arts Mansfield 2025 Executive L-R Gill Belle, Ainsley May, Emma McPherson, Craig Dixon and Sue Hare.
See the President's Report here.